About Us

JENELLCO SERVICES GHANA LIMITED is a Ghanaian firm registered with the Registrar General Department of Ghana.

We undertake General Construction Works and provide a large level of professional and practical services in Roads, Electricals and Building Construction to both private and public sector clients.

JENELLCO SERVICES GHANA LIMITED over the years has been engage in the construction of roads, bridges, buildings and electrical installations in the country.

Directors from JENELLCO SERVICES GHANA LIMITED who comes with very strong backgrounds with experience in the construction industry and technology consultancy services to other companies and individuals with remarkable results.


To become the all-purpose construction company and technical consultancy service provider in Africa.


To provide physical structures to both public and private companies that meet the client’s expectation in terms of quality and price.


  • Create a very cordial industrial, commercial and economic relationship with government and other individuals clients.
  • Be considered as a sustained household name in the construction industry.
  • Using our plans and structures as models for upcoming developers in Ghana.

  • Honesty and integrity—we will be respectful and fair to all of our clients. We do what we say we will do.
  • Accountable and responsible- we are committed to our work and we achieve results.
  • Continuous learning - we are committed to achieve excellence (quality performance)
  • Motivated and Professional – we are problem solvers.
  • Safety and quality - we are constantly focused on quality
  • Customers – customer satisfaction is our priority.
  • Philosophy

    We at JENELLCO SERVICES GHANA LIMITED believe that, the hi-tech building and roads construction as well as electrical construction industry promotes accelerated growth for countries which are geared towards economic equipment and development for countries.

    The efficient and effective harnessing of these structural developments depends primarily upon the technical and behavioral capacities of motivated contractors and consultants working together as a team to promote and develop the construction industry to achieve their goals and aspirations.

    We believe our first responsibility is to our clients who engage our services. Our strong experimental position enables us to offer our clients the best of structural development, so far as the development of roads, buildings and electrical installations are concerned.

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